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The development of Suzhou tool industry should be market-oriented




The development of Suzhou tool industry should be market-oriented

2016-04-07 17:37
At present, China's metal cutting Suzhou tools have begun to shift from high-speed steel tools to the development and production of carbide tools , but the efforts are not enough, and they are still mostly low-end. Therefore, it is imperative to take the transition of high-end products as a very important task. In particular, the economic growth of the United States has slowed down, the European market is weak, and the export of low-end tools is blocked. From the perspective of energy and raw materials, a large number of low-end tools are no longer suitable for export, and the government will not give them any help. Behind the rapid development, companies are also aware At the same time, the high growth rate of the domestic tool industry is not high in gold content, and a considerable number of companies at the expense of the environment, based on cheap labor, produce inferior products to obtain huge profits. Cemented carbide twist drills , cemented carbide step drills , taps, Low-end markets such as saw blades and milling cutters are in a mess, while high-end products are growing slowly. Most of the sophisticated, sophisticated and sophisticated Suzhou knives in the automotive industry, mold industry, aerospace and other industries rely on imports. In response to the above-mentioned severe situation, domestic The tool industry should review the current situation, be market-oriented, actively adjust the industrial structure, upgrade product grades, and develop new Suzhou knives that are suitable for automobiles, high-speed railways, home appliances and other related people's livelihoods . Looking at the hot industries such as machinery, molds, and energy in recent years, China's Suzhou knives The market prospects are very broad. Nowadays, China has become a major machinery manufacturing country in the world. Where is the world's tool market in the future. Just in China, occupying the Chinese market means occupying the international market.

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